Contact Us
UCHRA Public Transportation realizes that one size does not fit all when it comes to the ride that you need. Our diverse array of services, including bus routes, door-to-door, and customized trip services, help ensure that we get you where you need to go.
Need to schedule a trip or have questions about UCHRA Public Transportation? Call 833-UC TRIPS
- Para asistencia en español por favor llame 833-UC TRIPS (For assistance in any other language please call your local office and we will contact Avaza Language Services for translation.)
- For brochures in large print please contact
- For TDD/TTY (Telecommunication device for the deaf) support, please call: 1-800-848-0298
Service hours: 6 a.m. – 6 p.m. CST
Office hours: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. CST
Employment Opportunities
- Click here for current job openings and employment contact information.

Give us a call today at